Synthetic Turf
Synthetic turf, when executed by professionals, can look as beautiful as natural grass, and be absolutely effortless to maintain.
Real grass is costly to keep looking beautiful. It requires water, maintenance, fertilizer-and even when you try your hardest, sometimes your best just isn’t good enough and you are left with an ugly, patchy lawn despite your best efforts. Synthetic turf allows homeowners to have green, flawless grass 365 days a year. In the driest heat of summer and in the wettest months of winter your backyard will be graced with the same green, natural-looking grass, and you will never be plagued by weeds, mud or lawnmowers ever again!
Artificial grass will actually pay for itself in just a few years with the savings from water consumption and maintenance. Homeowners are often amazed by how fast they recoup their investment and move on to saving money with artificial turf.