
Grading is an important part of any good paving company’s performance. Grading is just another part of our experience and services here at Accurate Grading and Demolition. We are only one of a few Demolition companies the can provide you with the quality and know how of grading you project to the specifications of you local city and state guidelines. We have over 28 years of experience in excavation, re compaction, import and export of materials and fine grading of you projects. We also provide trenching for foundation, footings and a underground utilities. We don’t turn away from the smallest jobs. If it needs to be graded or excavated then we can provide you with the services you need complete you job.

Grading is the movement of dirt or base material to achieve the proper elevations prior to paving. However, there are several different scales or levels of grading, depending on the job. For example, there is rough grading, which often involves large pieces of heavy equipment, such as bulldozers and scrapers (large earth-moving machines). The second type of grading is called “Fine Grading,” where the dirt grade is +/- .10′ or 1.2 inches from the desired finish grade. This type of grading is necessary to smooth and compact the finish surface in order to be ready to receive asphalt. If the dirt surface is not almost perfect, the new asphalt to be placed will mirror the grade as it has been left. Thus, an up and down dirt surface will leave an up and down surface on the finished asphalt.

We also will provide you with the most up to date BMP (best management practices) in Storm Water Controls.